Revision of Legal Age of Marriage for Indian Women.

The year 2020 is the year of change. That is true particularly in the case of an Indian female’s legal age to tie the knot, as the Government of India has dived deep into the possibility and need to increase the marital age of women from 18 to 21 years. The major reason for changing the marital age is the high risk of mortality rate amongst young mothers and their infants. In February 2020, the Finance Minister Mrs. Nirmala Sitharaman had announced during the budget that this decision will be looked into again in the span of the following six months.[1]

Most  marriages involving underage women occur amongst families having poor socio-economic conditions. Even though there are laws restraining child marriages in India, child marriages continue to happen . Rural rates of child marriages were three times higher than urban India rates in 2009.

The most recent incident took place on 1st July 2020 at Dombivli in Maharashtra, where police got a tip off about the marriage of a girl as young as 16 years of age to a man ten years older to her. The police arrested the groom, his family and the girl’s parents under the penal provisions of Prohibition of Child Marriage Act (2006).[2]

The brides as young as 19 years of age have little or no knowledge about reproductive health, no physical or mental maturity to handle problems of married life. They are unaware of the use of birth control measures like Copper T I-UD[3], pills, condoms, abortion, etc. to avoid early pregnancy. The number of women and girls in India who died due to complications during pregnancy and childcare in the first two decades of the 21st century was as high as 35,000 , though it has significantly decreased from 1,03,000 deaths in the year 2000.

As far as the statistics in the 2020 report of UNICEF[4] are concerned, Niger, the Central African Republic and Chad topped the list of countries having child marriages with 76% , 68 % and 67% women getting married before their 18th birthday.[5] These  women , when pregnant are not taken to hospitals , but deliver with help of midwives . Many lose a lot of blood during pregnancy and due to menstruation after delivery.  Many suffer from anemia, post-partum depression and malnourishment. Many of them belong to BPL[6] Families. They do not get incubators and Neo-natal ICU[7] cares for their low birth weight and premature babies. The lack of skilled delivery, a nutritional diet, vitamin supplements, psychological counselling of young mothers and complete vaccination of the infants leads to mental trauma for the mothers as well as stunted growth of their children.

Following the announcement February 2020 , the Ministry of Women and Child Development released an official statement on 6th June 2020 stating , “The Government of India , in a gazette notification issued on 4th June 2020 has set up a task force to examine the age of motherhood , imperatives of lowering MMR[8] , improvement of nutritional levels and related issues.”

The said task force is expected to suggest ways and means to encourage higher education amongst the women, explore the impact of marital age on both IMR[9] and MMR, the psychological health of the mother and child . The task force shall also study the sex ratio at birth and the overall child sex ratio, which is skewed in India, having more number of boys than girls at birth, due to female foeticide and infanticide. The task force shall also suggest amendment in the existing laws in relevant spheres, in order to have smooth implementation of its recommendations. Moreover, it will be provided with secretarial assistance by NITI Ayog.

India is a land of paradoxes and ironies .On one hand women are getting trained to join the armed forces and also actively participate in space research, while on the other a young, illiterate child bride dies during an early pregnancy.  The Government’s decision is welcome as both males and females in India will be legally eligible to marry only after completion of 21 years of age. Thus, bringing in gender parity in the true sense of the term.

Shraddha Pandit

Final Year LLB (3 Years Course)

New Law College, Mumbai

[1]“Indian Government may revise the Legal Age of Marriage for Women”, Shethepeople (12th June 2020)

[2]“Police step in to stop child marriage”, Hindustan Times (3rd July 2020) –

[3] Intra-Uterine Device 

[4] United Nations International Children’s Fund formerly known as United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (1946)

[5] “Child Marriage around the World” , Statistics by UNICEF ( 11th March 2020) –

[6] Below Poverty Line Families

[7] Intensive Care Unit

[8] Maternal Mortality Rate

[9] Infant Mortality Rate

Section 13 of HMA: Does relief always bring peace?

            Relationships are a way to feel more alive. Respect and caring for each other between partners are the basics that take to form a marriage and, responsibility and fidelity build a family. A healthy relationship can make each other’s lives easier. When people choose to get married they should focus not only on understanding but also on the willingness to understand the other to keep it blooming. This is a game where either both can win or both lose.

            In an interesting case of Sri Bhaskar Das v. Smt. Renu Das at Gauhati High Court, the husband was allowed to divorce his wife on June 19th, 2020. The couple entered into the marriage in 2012 as per the custom of Hindu Marriage. The wife wanted to live away from her in-laws so she insisted on her husband on getting separated. The husband disagreed so it led to frequent fights between the couple. The husband claimed she blamed him for her failure to conceive child, left her matrimonial house in 2013, and filed a dowry-harassment case against him and his family. The wife also filed another case of cheating against the husband claiming he breached an agreement between the two to rent a separate accommodation.

            The husband appealed for divorce before Dibrugarh District Court. He didn’t get the relief so he stepped ahead to appeal before the High Court. He said he felt harassed because his wife refused to wear Sakha (bangles made of conch shells) or Sindoor (vermilion). The bench held this as the wife’s signal to refuse to accept her marriage to infer she was unwilling to continue her conjugal life. The High Court also noted the wife’s agreement of separation was an act of ‘cruelty’ and non-adherence to the provisions of law under the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 saying children are required to ‘maintain parents and senior citizens.’ The wife prevented the husband from performing his statutory duties towards his aged mother. Such non-adherence to the 2007 Act can lead to imprisonment or a fine.

            Our patriarchal society would easily label the wife ‘selfish’ as women are expected to adjust according to norms of her matrimonial house and put the needs of the family members over her own. Marital dynamics have changed with women becoming self-sufficient with education and financial independence. Once women start living with their families after getting married the tussle between old values and new virtues begins. However, modern women don’t put themselves out as victims and their in-laws as evil straight out of eighties Bollywood movies. Most of the in-laws are also evolving with their mindset thus they can be supportive if a daughter-in-law communicates her thoughts on why she wants separation.

            Marriage breaks the very moment the couple thinks of needing Section 13 of the Hindu Marriage Act to interfere. Every relationship faces challenges. One cannot fix issues if the other wants to give up. Leaving parents pave the way to unbecoming of individuals affecting the society negatively as marriage is seen as a sacred bond that requires moral conviction towards one’s better halves as well as their families. To protect each other from the pitfalls of a slippery slope partners can choose to try to save their companionship by opening up to meaningful interaction, especially when they know they would be together even after getting apart. As in most such cases, the real issue disappears with time giving rise to the only issue of ego.



Annulment of marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 lies u/s 11 and 12 which is void and voidable. Section 11 states that all marriages are void, which means the marriage was never accomplished. Section 12 states voidable situations in which either party has an option to annul the marriage. In this article, I will majorly focus on annulment of marriage within 1 year of marriage on a voidable ground Impotency under section 12 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.


Sec 12- Voidable marriages-

  • Any marriage solemnized, whether before or after the commencement of the Act, shall be voidable and be annulled by a decree of nullity on any of the following ground, namely: –
  • That the respondent was impotent at the time of the marriage and continued to be so until the institution of the proceedings;
  • ……………………………………………………………….

  • What is impotency?

The meaning of the term impotent has been described by the Supreme Court of India in the case of Digvijay Singh v. Pratap Kumari[1] incapacity to consummate the marriage that is to say incapacity to have conjugal intercourse, which is one of the objects of marriage.

  • What is the consummation of marriage?

The meaning of consummation of marriage means that sexual intercourse should be normal or perfectly coitus and not imperfect coitus.[2] Term coitus as per the Merriam Webster Dictionary is a physical union of male and female genitalia accompanied by rhythmic movements.

If complete coitus is established, the discharge of semen in the wife’s body is not a necessary condition of consummation. It has been stated in case Baxter v. Baxter[3] and Sushila v. Vijay Kumar[4]

  • Mental and psychological impotency-

Non-consummation of marriage is not only due to physical disability but also mental or psychological reasons. In a case of full bench judgment of Kerala High Court 1988 (2) KLT 135 says, because respondent hates doing sex, is also impotency against a specific person or in general.

Illustration- A and B married each other on 01.01.2020 and after marriage, it found that A is capable to be in sexual intercourse but A was unable to perform sexual intercourse with B. This is called Impotency against a specific person.

The Court held that without going into the question as to who was the guilty party, it was evident that the marriage had not been consummated and could not be consummated in the future also. Accordingly, the Court annulled the marriage for the reason that it was satisfied that “quoad hunc et quoad hunc” these people cannot consummate the marriage.[5]

Quoad hunc means when one party to a marriage is not impotent but is incapable to consummate the marriage with a specific person.

  • Who can file the case of annulment of marriage?

No person other than the party to the marriage has the right to claim impotency of either party, as per the rule of marriage, this is the private matter of Husband and Wife.


In the case of Jaggannath Mudull v. Nirupuma Behera[6], the wife did not have any vaginal canal, the husband filed a case of annulment of marriage on the ground of impotency. The court said the husband is entitled to get a decree of nullity based on the impotency of his wife. Hence, we can conclude that non-consummation of marriage is either due to-

  • Impotency; or
  • Mental health or psychological reasons (ex- Impotent quoad Hunc or Quoad hanc).



4th Year BALLB


[1] Digvijay Singh v. Pratap Kumari, A.I.R. 1970 S.C. 137 (India).

[2] Jagdish Lal v. Smt. Shyama Madan & Ors., A.I.R. 1966 ALL 150 (India).

[3] Baxter v. Baxter (1947) 2 ALL & R 886n

[4] Sushila v. Vijay Kumar A.I.R. 1982 DEL 272 (India).

[5] Yuvraj Digvijay Singh v. Yuvrani Pratap Kumari, 1970 A.I.R. 137 (India).

[6] Jaggannath Mudull v. Nirupuma Behera, A.I.R. 2009 ORI 59 (India).