Company Formation Services

Our firm provides legal assistance in Company Formation and the following:

  • Formation of Company
  • We with the help of CS assist an upcoming organisation to form and incorporate their company to establish them in the eyes of law. For which all legal compliance and drafting shall be done with by the firm.

  • Registration of Company
  • We assist the company in its Registration Process where Incorporation or registration is the second stage in the formation of a company. It is the registration that brings a company into existence. A company is properly constituted only when it is duly registered under the Act and a Certificate of Incorporation has been obtained from the Registrar of Companies.

  • Registration of LLP
  • After deciding on your business model, it's important to choose between the Private limited company registration and LLP, thus by understanding the requirement and goals and aspirations of the organisation we help to differentiate and decide through their differences and advantages they provide, so as to choose what’s best for your business model.

    The most vital reason for registering as LLP is the limited liability. The members of the firm are only liable for a small amount of debt incurred by it. This is entirely different from proprietorship and partnership where the personal assets of directors and partners are not protected if the business becomes bankrupt.

  • Certification of Incorporation
  • We ensure the on the registration of memorandum and other documents, the Registrar will issue a certificate known as the Certificate of Incorporation certifying.

  • Company Due Diligence and Compliance
  • We have partnered with the Company secretaries to perform legal audit and legal compliance for organisations on a day to day, monthly and yearly basis.

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