Trendy but Sustainable!


We all love fashion. The clothes, the shoes, the bags, every piece takes our utmost attention and time. Our fashion becomes the way people identify us. But this identification industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world. The constant production of new styles, carbon emissions, toxic dyes along with other harmful materials put the environment at risk. Neither can we abolish this huge industry completely nor can we let it create the waste it does. This is where sustainability in fashion industry comes into picture.

Sustainability in Fashion:

Sustainability in the fashion industry is assessed in relation to the design, production and disposal of clothing and accessories in a way that it minimizes their impact on the environment and promotes social and ethical values. Intellectual Property Rights have been playing a very important role in this spectrum. Along with protecting fashion designs, logos, and innovations, IPR also aids in protecting the future of fashion industry. This can be done by way of use of certification marks which show sustainability of products. Fashion designers and manufacturers can use these marks to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and differentiate themselves from less sustainable competitors. This can also help them in generating larger consumer base and earning profits. IPR can also help in protecting the rights of industry experts who create sustainable and ethically produced products. Some Western countries have introduced sustainable fashion regulations and standards to ensure that companies are responsible for their environmental and social impacts, while others have introduced tax incentives for companies that adopt sustainable practices, such as monitoring their carbon footprint or using durable materials. In India, Geographical Indicators protect traditional crafts and handicrafts known for their sustainability and use of natural materials.   ​​

 As not every company has enough capital to easily go green, the role of Government in providing incentives is crucial.


Sustainable fashion is the next trend. People follow this trend just as seriously as they follow any other trend. Every consumer, in light of climate change and environmental protection, is going green with their styles, making
Sustainable clothing is a Bold Fashion Statement.

Savani Budhkar
4th Year, BALLB,
ILS Law College, Pune

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