
Every society, every state flourishes only when there is a proper education system. Education is the basic foundation of a country’s progress. Therefore education must be the foremost attention given when we plan to eradicate the major issues in the society like poverty, unemployment etc. It is said that if you give a beggar a fish then his stomach is filled only for one day, but if you teach him to catch a fish then his stomach is filled every day. Similarly education is that basic foundation which gets hidden with the construction of first floor, but that’s the reason why the building stands.

 Long ago around 1830s Lord Macaulay introduced English system of education so that the Britishers could tear apart our unity and divide us to our roots. The same system has been prevalent in India even today. Is the system really suitable for our country? I do not know. Time will answer the question with emerging generations, but right now there is a need of modifications in our education system which if we delay today, India will never achieve the objectives enshrined in the preamble.

Major modifications required are

  1.  Uniform syllabus curriculum throughout the nation: With this modification discrimination amongst schools will end. The major impact of this step will be that there will be no discrimination between government schools and private schools. With this step even the status of equality can be achieved and also help in achieving secularism as an objective. In present system there are many education boards like The State Board, CBSE, ICSE, etc. With these boards there has been a public perception about the state boards and the schools run by the government. Therefore there is an urgent need to end such perceptions and discrimination.
  2. Compulsory and free education for children up to 18 years of age: This is the next major modification that currently needs to be done. Although it is quite difficult for the government to provide free education to the children throughout the country, but atleast free education can be implemented in government schools. It is high time that the government starts investing in education sector. My intention for increasing the age limit up to 18 years is to decrease the juvenile crimes. Proper education to the children up to 18 years of age might help up to some extent decrease the juvenile crimes.
  3. There must be only one university that governs the curriculum of almost all professional studies: In my opinion there must be only one university that governs almost all professional studies because the real competition between the colleges must be based on the talent of the teachers and not the varied subjects which ultimately leads to discrimination and further leads to business. But that doesn’t mean that existing universities must be decommissioned, instead they must help in implementing the curriculum.


These are some of the major modifications which I feel is the need of the hour for our country. I strongly feel that it’s the improperness of our education system that has given rise to the burning issues of our country. Therefore education is the base for a stable country. Teachers are the professionals on whom our education sector depends. As I said earlier best school or college must completely based on the talent of the teachers. Today in our country, teaching profession has lost its value. In our country farmers and teachers have completely lost respect to their profession. The government must take initiatives to bring a respect for the profession and encourage more applicants for the profession.

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