All New WIPO PROOF and Things to know about

            Tampering, misappropriation or destruction of the digital information have become simple with the increasing circumstances and scenarios around maintaining and storing of these priceless data.

            In order to deal with the issue, WIPO being the world’s trusted global forum for Intellectual Properties have attempted to maintain the originality and genuine nature of such digital properties by introducing the all new WIPO PROOF services. WIPO PROOF services has been established in order to safeguard the digital files especially concerned with the valuable intellectual properties. WIPO PROOF uses industry-leading secure technology to generate a globally recognized digital fingerprint of your intellectual asset.

            The service try to ensure an inventor, creator or an entrepreneur by putting them at their ease to prove with regard to the name of the title, content of the title and the ownership of the title. A music producer now may easily prove the original authorship and keep producing without the worries of his work being misappropriated. Similarly, an enterprise may now safeguard the Trade-secrets and Know-how by easily deterring any misuse. Similarly, any firms providing IP services would be able to generate genuine digital certificates of the e-signatures attested to the documents.

Jenil is a B. Com from L.S Raheja College Mumbai and an LLB from Indian Law Society's ILS Law College, Pune. He is the specialist in the field of Trademarks, Copyrights, Media and Entertainment Laws. His diverse knowledge in the field of Copyrights, Music, Entertainment Industry, Software and Media has helped many business owners in the form of protecting them from Infringers and Frauds. He also helps investigate upon the infringers on different social media platforms to help take the appropriate legal action against them. He is well versed in niche areas of research on the Trademarks and Copyrights front, which has enabled him to resolve multiple Legal disputes.

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